May 27, 2021
By Paul Tautges, Pastor
We are really looking forward to returning to one worship service on June 13th! If you were absent last Sunday and missed my announcement, I briefly mentioned that returning to one service has been the intention of the elders since we began two service times last October. So, we are thrilled that we’re able to do this so quickly. The greatest benefit and joy, of course, will be that our church family will all be together again at the same time! However, a second benefit will be less strain on some areas of service where the Lord’s people have been joyfully doing double-duty (Thank you!).
Additionally, I am thankful for how willing all of our ministry leaders have been to follow the lead of the elders and provide the most effective means of continuing nearly every Cornerstone ministry during the strangest year we’ve ever known. We’ve learned to be flexible and creative, while also learning the importance of being joyfully persevering in all things. On June 13th, when we all gather together at 10:00 a.m., it is going to be such a sweet, sweet reunion. I can’t wait!
One particular area where returning to normal may happen a bit more slowly, and on a gradual basis, is children’s ministry. The reason for this is the sheer number of volunteers it takes to staff it the way it was before the pandemic. To help you understand, here is an explanation and appeal from our Children’s Ministry director, Bobette Hatteberg.
In order to open up all the previous classrooms, we need at least 60 adults and 20 teens. Right now, we have 29 adults and 13 teens who have served faithfully through the past 7 months. Their flexibility and willingness have been an incredible blessing to me, the elders, and the families of our church. They have truly shown a love for others that reflects Christ’s love for the church. My prayer is that most of them will continue to serve and that others who have not been serving will eagerly join the ministry! My goal is to have volunteers serve only one week per month, so that they can participate in the worship service the other weeks.
The discipleship of the children of our church is a responsibility that involves the whole church. Whether holding a baby, so that parents can uninterruptedly listen to a sermon, or playing and singing and memorizing Bible verses alongside preschoolers, or teaching exciting truths of Scripture to elementary kids, or being a buddy to a young adult with special learning needs, the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and to share the gospel happens each Sunday, 52 weeks a year.
Therefore, I am asking every member family to prayerfully consider serving this year. You will not regret being involved as you get to know parents and their children. If you are a parent you will be exposed to the curriculum that is designed to help you disciple your child at home. When parents dedicate their children before the church, we all agree to be part of their family’s growth and discipleship. Here is your opportunity. Please click on this link for more information and to indicate how you might be willing to serve this year.
The church is a body with many interworking parts, all of which are vital to its effective functioning (2 Cor. 12). Ministry is also a team effort, where every player is involved. There are no bleachers; everyone is “in the game,” so to speak. Children’s ministry is just one of the many areas where willing servants are needed. If you are not currently serving on a regular basis, please prayerfully consider doing so and reach out to the church office for more information.
As we anticipate our family reunion on June 13th, let’s pray that it will whet our heart’s appetite for the grand reunion with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, one day when He returns. Looking forward to seeing you all again!
Pastor Paul