• When Should a Child be Baptized or Participate in the Lord’s Supper?

    October 14, 2021   Posted by Bobette Hatteberg, Children’s Ministry Director   All Christian parents long for their children to trust in Christ and to then make this profession of faith public. It is not surprising that children raised in Christian homes sooner or later may ask a parent “W…

  • Ten Questions to Diagnose Your Spiritual Health

    September 15, 2021   Posted by Paul Tautges, Pastor   Last week, our church’s men’s and women’s ministries kicked off a new ministry year with their first monthly meetings. “Spiritual Disciplines” is the theme the ministry leaders chose as this year’s focus. One of the key resources being…

  • Returning to One Service on June 13th

    May 27, 2021   By Paul Tautges, Pastor   We are really looking forward to returning to one worship service on June 13th! If you were absent last Sunday and missed my announcement, I briefly mentioned that returning to one service has been the intention of the elders since we began two serv…

  • Taking Another Step Toward Returning to Normal

    April 29, 2021 By Paul Tautges, Pastor   Six weeks ago, we took a first step toward returning to normalcy by making the 10:30 a.m. service mask-optional. This has been very well-received; the transition has gone smoothly and has been a blessing to the church. So we are taking another step. All…

  • Missions: One Big Adventure – Coming May and June

    Posted 4-29-2021 By Bobette Hatteberg, Cornerstone Children’s Ministry Director   It is with great excitement and anticipation of what God will do that I share this Elementary Kids announcement!   “One Big Adventure: God’s Heart for the World” will be taking place in May and June in our el…

  • My Plan for the Holidays with Family: To Dwell With One Another in Love

    by Bobette Hatteberg, Children’s Ministry Director   All of our extended family (except our son) live out of state. That means when we’re together it’s usually for at least a couple of days. Several years ago, I realized that every time we were together I always came away a little disappointed….

  • Three Benefits of Paul’s “Thorn in the Flesh”

    Posted by Paul Tautges, Pastor   What were God’s reasons for bringing a thorn of suffering into Paul’s life? The apostle reveals three benefits that he experienced.   Suffering Prevents Conceit First, God gave the apostle his affliction in order to cultivate an increase in humility: “So to…

  • Biblical Principles that Govern Our Thinking

    Posted by Paul Tautges, Pastor   On behalf of the elders, I presented the following communication at last Sunday evening’s annual meeting of our members. However, we thought it best to follow up through this correspondence as well. As elders, we have spent many hours and many meetings praying t…

  • Important Information about Moving Ministry Indoors

    Dear Cornerstone Family, Our hearts are filled with gratitude to the Lord that even during this pandemic, much of our church has been able to gather outdoors to worship together, reconnect, and fellowship. The Lord has blessed us with a beautiful and spacious property that has given us the ability t…

  • Four Truths That Bring Peace

    Posted by Bobette Hatteberg, Cornerstone’s Children’s Ministry Director   On a recent Sunday evening we gathered at Cornerstone Community Church for a Back-to-School Prayer Gathering. These are some thoughts that were shared before we prayed for students, teachers, administrators, school staff,…

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